Friday, August 15, 2008

She Wasn't Talking About the New Deal, She Was Talking About Bush


I've researched the possible Atlas Shrugged movie a bit more, well, I typed "Baldwin Entertainment Group" into Google. The Baldwin Entertainment Group according to wikipedia, purchased the rights to the film in 2003. Heres a blurb about the screenplay on their website:

Written by: Jim V. Hart
Based on the novel ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand

ATTACHMENTS Lions Gate Films

LOG LINE: Dagny Taggart, one of the great heroines of modern literature, struggles to fulfill her great-grandfather’s legacy as she steers her family’s railroad conglomerate through the triple threat of government corruption, international terrorism and a mysterious force that is silencing the great thinkers of the day.

SYNOPSIS: Ayn Rand’s groundbreaking novel foresees an American future eerily similar to the future that America faces today. The politics of fear embodied by stringent government regulation and irresponsible foreign policy have driven American society to the brink of collapse. Against this backdrop, Dagny Taggart wrestles her corrupt and dissolute brother for control of their great-grandfather’s railroad conglomerate. Determined to live up to her ancestor’s name, Dagny steers the railroad through a minefield of government sabotage, domestic disintegration, and international terrorism. All the while the destruction of the American way is hastened by a mysterious force that is silencing the great thinkers of the day. Their disappearance inspires a universal sense of fatalistic dread that is summed up by the new popular catchphrase: “Who is John Galt?”

Are there any Rand fans that can tell me what's wrong here? Let's start at the beginning. "International terrorism"? Where was that in the book? Ragnar Danneskjold may have been refered to as a terrorist, but that's it. The book's over 1000 pages long, I don't think we need to add any extra plot points. What's next? How about "the politics of fear". How did a catch phrase of the left make it in here? The "politics of fear" had better refer to Dr. Stadler's "Project X" and not warantless wiretaps of overseas phone calls. The kicker though, the phrase in here that makes me dread this movie's release, is "irresponsible foreign policy". What?! The only "irresponsible foreign policy" that existed in the book was the American governments penchant for sending aid to struggling "people's states" around the world that had enslaved their citizens. If they use this movie to make a f*&%ing commentary on Iraq or the war on terror, they will have succeeded in both completely destroying the point of the book and giving me a noticeable facial tick.

Way to go Hollywood. Just destroy as much as you can. Maybe you can remake "The Fountainhead" and spin it to be a commentary on the heartlessness of the Bush tax cuts. Its only 8:51 am? I already need a drink.


I'm not sure how I missed this, but right at the beginning in the "Log Line" it says "a mysterious force that is silencing the great thinkers of the day". John Galt was out to stop the "engine of the world". The "great thinkers" of the day in Atlas Shrugged are portrayed as pied piper buffoons, leading the populace into total destruction. It wasn't the thinkers Galt was after, (Unless you count Hugh Akston) it was the men who made the world work, the industrialists, the bankers, the oil magnates, the men the "great thinkers" ridiculed and scorned. There's a reason the book was almost called "The Strike". It's a cautionary tale about what this country and indeed the world would be like if all "big businessmen" went on strike, not the nihilistic intellectuals of the book who suck at the government's teat.

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